Friday, March 1, 2024

An excerpt from Jarmus


An excerpt from Jarmus:

There was a loud explosion and he struggled to his feet. The Harkee were dashing about to avoid the devastating bolts of energy raining down from above.

The youth looked up to see giant beings as tall as trees floating down towards him, held up by what appeared to be small stars.  They were human in general appearance, but glowed with an immense secret power. Their eyes were lit with starlight, eerily glowing too bright to stare at, but not bright enough to blind the eyes of those watching and not concealing the rest of the body. Their arms were crossed over their chests in grim defiance of any who would stand in their way.

Devastating bolts were coming from their eyes, causing massive explosions wherever they struck. He staggered, as the ground shook beneath him. Someone beckoned to him, and he hastened to follow.

The young man was led to a ship, and was ushered inside. All about, he could hear as the destruction continued.

His guide strapped him in and then programmed the controls. The Harkee then gave a nod and swiftly exited the ship.

Shortly afterward, the craft shook as its thrusters were engaged. Jarmus peered out of a porthole, as the ship began to rise up into the air. He saw several giants descending towards the surface all around him, with destructive blasts coming from their eyes.

He saw one being turn towards him, and the eyes started to glow impossibly bright. The ship surged forward suddenly, as the devastating blast just missed. Jarmus breathed a sigh of relief.

The craft rose up into the sky. He grew dizzy, as he watched the ground recede beneath him. Jarmus turned away, closing his eyes as he left the place he had come to call home.

Jarmus is available here: